Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID Date Version Classification
648476 10/17/2024 Confidential
Document Table of Contents

Debug Token usage CLI

Using Hotham and Intel® Debug Token Library

  • Intel® Debug Token Library - Python* library to generate and sign Intel® CSME tokens.

  • Hotham - Communication channel using the Debug Support Command Protocol (DSCP) on top of ipccli.

Start Python* environment

All the following instructions should be executed in Python, for convenience this documentation uses IPython*.

  • Open a new command interpreter (cmd) or shell

  • Source the <installation-directory>/isd_​env.bat environment script

  • Call ipython

Fetch Part ID from target

While the target is connected and available, Hotham can connect to the Intel® CSME firmware and read the part ID from the target.

from intel.hotham import hotham
import intel.dtl as dtl

# Load Part ID using Hotham
code, data = hotham.loader.dscp.get_part_id()
if code != 0:
    raise RuntimeError("Failed to read Part ID from target.")
pid_pseudonym = int(''.join(data['PART_ID']), 16)
pid_nonce = data['NONCE']
pid_timestamp = data['TIMESTAMP']

# Create DTL part ID object
part_id = dtl.PartID(pid_pseudonym, pid_nonce, pid_timestamp)

Configure Token using Token Configs

Intel® Debug Token Library provides predefined token configurations for a convenient usage.

import intel.dtl as dtl

# Create a new debug token based on a Token Configuration
token = dtl.Token.from_config(dtl.TOKEN_CONFIGS.ADL_OEM_UNLOCK_TOKEN)

# Configure knobs
token.knob(dtl.TOKEN_KNOBS.OEM_UNLOCK).value = 1
token.knob(dtl.TOKEN_KNOBS.CSE_TRACING).value = 1

# Add part ID to the token (see snippet above)

Sign Token

The Intel® CSME firmware requires a token to be signed.

Intel® Debug Token Library supports different ways of signing:

  • Externally sign the the token

    token.sign_method = None
  • Use a private key file

    token.sign_method = dtl.LocalKey("<local path>")
  • Intel internal signing options

Inject token

While the target is connected and available Hotham can connect to the Intel® CSME firmware and inject the token.

from intel.hotham import hotham

hotham.inject_token("C:\\token.bin", False, False)

print("Manually reset target to apply changes.")

Example Scripts:

  • Enable debug and trace using OEM Token on Alder Lake

    from intel.hotham import hotham
    import intel.dtl as dtl
    # Load Part ID using Hotham
    code, data = hotham.loader.dscp.get_part_id()
    if code != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("Failed to read Part ID from target.")
    pid_pseudonym = int(''.join(data['PART_ID']), 16)
    pid_nonce = data['NONCE']
    pid_timestamp = data['TIMESTAMP']
    part_id = dtl.PartID(pid_pseudonym, pid_nonce, pid_timestamp)
    # Create a new debug token based on a Token Configuration
    token = dtl.Token.from_config(dtl.TOKEN_CONFIGS.ADL_OEM_UNLOCK_TOKEN)
    # Configure knobs
    token.knob(dtl.TOKEN_KNOBS.OEM_UNLOCK).value = 1
    token.knob(dtl.TOKEN_KNOBS.CSE_TRACING).value = 1
    # Add part ID to the token (see snippet above)
    # Use a private key file to sign token
    token.sign_method = dtl.signing.LocalKey("C:\\key_private.pem")
    # Write token to file
    # Inject token via hotham
    hotham.inject_token("C:\\token.bin", False, False)
    print("Manually reset target to apply changes.")