Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID Date Version Classification
648476 10/17/2024 Confidential
Document Table of Contents

Intel® System Debugger 2022 NDA Update 2214

Check the summary below or see the online version.

New Features

Target Connection Assistant
  • Added remote debug support for hardware platforms. The connection flow in GUI and CLI is updated to allow you debug a hardware platform connected to a remote host. Refer to the Get Started chapter in documentation for step-by-step instructions.

Intelligent Debug & Validation Tool (IDV Tool)
  • Introduced advanced rule creation functionality. Now all rules are aggregated in a single Rule tab (instead of multiple tabs). Refer to Intel® System Debugger documentation for updated instructions on creating rules.

Fixed Issues

Intel® System Debugger - System Debug
  • Fixed issues that caused crashes if Intel® System Debugger was disconnected right after connecting to a Simics® simulator.

Intel® Debug Extensions for WinDbg
  • Fixed loading full kernel dump for Elkhart Lake platforms.

  • Fixed the forensic.get_​​kernel_​​base() command performance.

Intelligent Debug & Validation Tool (IDV Tool)
  • Fixed duplicated rule IDs

  • Enabled creating alias names for rules.