Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID Date Version Classification
648476 10/17/2024 Confidential
Document Table of Contents

Setup System Debug

The basic scenarios of using the System Debug feature of Intel(R) System Debugger are the following:

  • Debug BIOS or an EFI application

    In this scenario, you need to connect the debugger to your physical or virtual target, set up a new System Debug project and use different visualization features in System Debug.

    To launch a debug session, complete the following steps:

    1. Complete prework steps.

    2. Once the target is connected, click the debug_view Debug button in the main Eclipse* toolbar to open primary System Debug views.

    3. (Optional) Customize the debug configuration.

  • Decode recorded Processor Traces

    In this scenario, you need first to record Processor Traces using the Perf Collector Tool to generate Perf data.

    To visualize the recorded Processor Trace instructions, complete the following steps:

    1. Set up an offline connection as described in the Manual Configuration chapter.

    2. Select the path to the generated data in the Debug Configurations.

    3. Configure the Path Map rules to be able to load the modules and their sources.

    4. Start the debugger.

    5. Select a desired thread in the Debug view to visualize the instructions in the Instruction Trace view.