Intel® 700 Series Chipset Family Platform Controller Hub

Datasheet, Volume 1 of 2

ID Date Version Classification
743835 04/22/2024 Public
Document Table of Contents

Reading from the Interval Timer

It is often desirable to read the value of a counter without disturbing the count in progress. There are three methods for reading the counters—a simple read operation, counter Latch command, and the Read-Back command. Each one is explained below:

With the simple read and counter latch command methods, the count must be read according to the programmed format; specifically, if the counter is programmed for 2-byte counts, 2-bytes must be read. The2-bytes do not have to be read one right after the other. Read, write, or programming operations for other counters may be inserted between them.

Simple Read

The first method is to perform a simple read operation. The counter is selected through Port 40h (Counter 0) or 42h (Counter 2).

Note:Performing a direct read from the counter does not return a determinate value, because the counting process is asynchronous to read operations. However, in the case of Counter 2, the count can be stopped by writing to the GATE bit in Port 61h.

Counter Latch Command

The Counter Latch command, written to Port 43h, latches the count of a specific counter at the time the command is received. This command is used to ensure that the count read from the counter is accurate, particularly when reading a 2-byte count. The count value is then read from each counter’s Count register as was programmed by the Control register.

The count is held in the latch until it is read or the counter is reprogrammed. The count is then unlatched. This allows reading the contents of the counters on the fly without affecting counting in progress. Multiple Counter Latch Commands may be used to latch more than one counter. Counter Latch commands do not affect the programmed mode of the counter in any way.

If a Counter is latched and then, some time later, latched again before the count is read, the second Counter Latch command is ignored. The count read is the count at the time the first Counter Latch command was issued.

Read Back Command

The Read Back command, written to Port 43h, latches the count value, programmed mode, and current states of the OUT pin and Null Count flag of the selected counter or counters. The value of the counter and its status may then be read by I/O access to the counter address.

The Read Back command may be used to latch multiple counter outputs at one time. This single command is functionally equivalent to several counter latch commands, one for each counter latched. Each counter's latched count is held until it is read or reprogrammed. Once read, a counter is unlatched. The other counters remain latched until they are read. If multiple count Read Back commands are issued to the same counter without reading the count, all but the first are ignored.

The Read Back command may additionally be used to latch status information of selected counters. The status of a counter is accessed by a read from that counter's I/O port address. If multiple counter status latch operations are performed without reading the status, all but the first are ignored.

Both the count and status of the selected counters may be latched simultaneously. This is functionally the same as issuing two consecutive, separate Read Back commands. If multiple count and/or status Read Back commands are issued to the same counters without any intervening reads, all but the first are ignored.

If both the count and status of a counter are latched, the first read operation from that counter returns the latched status, regardless of which was latched first. The next one or two reads, depending on whether the counter is programmed for one or two type counts, returns the latched count. Subsequent reads return unlatched count.