Intel® 700 Series Chipset Family Platform Controller Hub

Datasheet, Volume 1 of 2

ID Date Version Classification
743835 12/22/2023 Public

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System Power Supplies, Planes, and Signals

Power Plane Control

The SLP_​S3# output signal can be used to cut power to the system core supply, since it only goes active for the Suspend-to-RAM state (typically mapped to ACPI S3). Power must be maintained to the PCH primary well, and to any other circuits that need to generate Wake signals from the Suspend-to-RAM state. During S3 (Suspend-to-RAM) all signals attached to powered down planes will be tri-stated or driven low, unless they are pulled using a Pull-up resistor.

Cutting power to the system core supply may be done using the power supply or by external FETs on the motherboard.

The SLP_​S4# output signal is used to remove power to additional subsystems that are powered during SLP_​S3#, as well as power to the system memory, since the context of the system is saved on the disk. Cutting power to the memory may be done using the power supply, or by external FETs on the motherboard.

SLP_​S5# output signal can be used to cut power to the system core supply.

SLP_​A# output signal can be used to cut power to the Intel® Converged Security and Management Engine and SPI flash on a platform that supports the M3 state (for example, certain power policies in Intel® AMT).

SLP_​LAN# output signal can be used to cut power to the external Intel® GbE PHY device.

SLP_​S4# and Suspend-to-RAM Sequencing

The system memory suspend voltage regulator is controlled by the Glue logic. The SLP_​S4# signal should be used to remove power to system memory rather than the SLP_​S5# signal. The SLP_​S4# logic in the PCH provides a mechanism to fully cycle the power to the DRAM and/or detect if the power is not cycled for a minimum time.

Note:To use the minimum DRAM power-down feature that is enabled by the SLP_​S4# Assertion Stretch Enable bit (D31:F0:A4h Bit 3), the DRAM power must be controlled by the SLP_​S4# signal.


When asserted, PCH_​PWROK is an indication to the PCH that its core well power rails are powered and stable. PCH_​PWROK can be driven asynchronously. When PCH_​PWROK is low, the PCH asynchronously asserts PLTRST#. PCH_​PWROK must not glitch, even if RSMRST# is low.

It is required that the power associated with PCIe* have been valid for 99 ms prior to PCH_​PWROK assertion in order to comply with the 100 ms PCIe* 2.0 specification on PLTRST# de-assertion.

Note:SYS_​RESET# is recommended for implementing the system reset button. This saves external logic that is needed if the PCH_​PWROK input is used. Additionally, it allows for better handling of the SMBus and processor resets and avoids improperly reporting power failures.

BATLOW# (Battery Low)

The BATLOW# input can inhibit waking from S3, S4, S5 and Deep Sx states if there is not sufficient power. It also causes an SMI if the system is already in an S0 state.

SLP_​LAN# Pin Behavior

The PCH controls the voltage rails into the external LAN PHY using the SLP_​LAN# pin.

  • The LAN PHY is always powered when the Host and Intel® CSME systems are running.
    • SLP_​LAN#=’1’ whenever SLP_​S3#=’1’ or SLP_​A#=’1’.
  • If the LAN PHY is required by Intel® CSME in Sx/M-Off or Deep Sx, Intel® CSME must configure SLP_​LAN#=’1’ irrespective of the power source and the destination power state. Intel® CSME must be powered at least once after G3 to configure this.
  • If the LAN PHY is required after a G3 transition, the host BIOS must set AG3_​PP_​EN.
  • If the LAN PHY is required in Sx/M-Off, the host BIOS must set SX_​PP_​EN.
  • If the LAN PHY is required in Deep Sx, the host BIOS must keep DSX_​PP_​DIS cleared.
  • If the LAN PHY is not required if the source of power is battery, the host BIOS must set DC_​PP_​DIS.
Note:Intel® CSME configuration of SLP_​LAN# in Sx/M-Off and Deep Sx is dependent on Intel® CSME power policy configuration.

The flow chart below shows how a decision is made to drive SLP_​LAN# every time its policy needs to be evaluated.

Conceptual Diagram of SLP_​LAN#

SLP_​WLAN# Pin Behavior

The PCH controls the voltage rails into the external wireless LAN PHY using the SLP_​WLAN# pin.

  • The wireless LAN PHY is always powered when the Host is running.
    • SLP_​WLAN#=’1’ whenever SLP_​S3#=’1’.
  • If Wake on Wireless LAN (WoWLAN) is required from S3/S4/S5 states, the host BIOS must set HOST_​WLAN_​PP_​EN.
  • If WoWLAN is required from Deep Sx, the host BIOS must set DSX_​WLAN_​PP_​EN.
  • If Intel® CSME has access to the Wireless LAN device:
    • The Wireless LAN device must always be powered as long as Intel® CSME is powered. SLP_​WLAN#=’1’ whenever SLP_​A#=’1’.
    • If Wake on Wireless LAN (WoWLAN) is required from M-Off state, Intel® CSME will configure SLP_​WLAN#=’1’ in Sx/M-Off.

Intel® CSME configuration of SLP_​WLAN# in Sx/M-Off is dependent on Intel® CSME power policy configuration.

When the Wireless LAN device is an integrated connectivity device (CNVi) the power to the CNVi external RF chip (CRF) must be always on. In this case the SLP_​WLAN# shall not control the CRF 3.3 V power rail.

SUSPWRDNACK/SUSWARN#/GPP_​A13 Steady State Pin Behavior

Below table summarizes SUSPWRDNACK/SUSWARN#/GPP_​A13 pin behavior.



Deep Sx (Supported/Not-Supported)

GPP_​A13 Input/Output (Determine by GP_​IO_​SEL bit)

Pin Value in S0

Pin Value in Sx/M-Off

Pin Value in Sx/M3

Pin Value in Deep Sx


Not Supported



Depends on Intel® CSME power package and power source (Note 1)







1 (Note 2)




Do not Care






Do not Care


Depends on GPP_​A13 output data value

Depends on GPP_​A13 output data value

Depends on GPP_​A13 output data value


  1. PCH will drive SPDA pin based on Intel® CSME power policy configuration.
  2. If entering Deep Sx, pin will assert and become undriven (“Off”) when suspend well drops upon Deep Sx entry.


Reset Type (Note)

SPDA Value

Power-cycle Reset


Global Reset


Straight to S5

PCH initially drive ‘0’ and then drive per Intel® CSME power policy configuration.

Note:Refer to Table: Causes of Host and Global Resets


RTCRST# is used to reset PCH registers in the RTC Well to their default value. If a jumper is used on this pin, it should only be pulled low when system is in the G3 state and then replaced to the default jumper position. Upon booting, BIOS should recognize that RTCRST# was asserted and clear internal PCH registers accordingly. It is imperative that this signal not be pulled low in the S0 to S5 states.

SRTCRST# is used to reset portions of the Intel® Converged Security and Management Engine and should not be connected to a jumper or button on the platform. The only time this signal gets asserted (driven low in combination with RTCRST#) should be when the coin cell battery is removed or not installed and the platform is in the G3 state. Pulling this signal low independently (without RTCRST# also being driven low) may cause the platform to enter an indeterminate state. Similar to RTCRST#, it is imperative that SRTCRST# not be pulled low in the S0 to S5 states.


When asserted,PROC_​C10_​GATE# is the indication to the system that the processor is entering C10 and can handle the voltages on the VCCIO, VCCSTG and VCCPLL_​OC rails being lowered to 0 V. When de-asserted, the VCCIO and VCCSTG rails must ramp back up to their operational voltage levels. The power good indicators for these rails must still be asserted high when these rails are lowered to 0 V during PROC_​C10_​GATE# assertion and while these rails ramp back up to their operational levels after PROC_​C10_​GATE# de-assertion.

Note:VCCIO, VCCSTG and VCCPLL_​OC are processor power rails.


SLP_​S0# is the indication to the system to enter the deterministic idle state (S0i2.0 or S0i3.0). This is a PCH hardware controlled output pin. This signal is defined as active low which means a 0 V indicates the deterministic idle state. Additional power saving steps such as VPCLVM may happen during this state.