Firmware Interface Table

BIOS Specification

ID Date Version Classification
599500 04/14/2023 Intel Confidential

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Key Manifest Record (Type 0x0B) Rules

  1. There can be more than one Key Manifest Record in the FIT. The multiple Key Manifest Record Entries must be in contiguous FIT Entries (i.e., all Key Manifest Entry Types must be together. This does not require that the Key Manifest themselves to be contiguous). This is to allow common BIOS images, which support multiple platforms. The ACM will compare each one with the Key Manifest ID in the Boot Policy Register and use the one, which matches.
  2. The Version field should be set to 0x0100.
  3. The C_​V bit in this entry should be clear.
  4. The Checksum field is set to 0.
  5. The Size field must be set to the value not less than the size of the Key Manifest Structure.