Intel® Ethernet 800 Series Linux Flow Control

Configuration Guide for RDMA Use Cases

ID Date Version Classification
635330 07/13/2023 1.3 Public
Document Table of Contents

Software DCB Willing Mode

Software DCB can be configured in either IEEE or CEE mode.

For IEEE mode

  1. Disable CEE transmission. #lldptool -Ti $interface -V CEE-DCBX enableTx=no
  2. Reset the DCBX mode to be auto (start in IEEE DCBX mode) after the next lldpad restart. #lldptool -Ti $interface -V IEEE-DCBX mode=reset
  3. Configure willing configuration for interface. #lldptool -Ti $interface -V ETS-CFG enableTx=yes willing=yes
  4. Configure willing recommendation for interface. #lldptool -Ti $interface -V ETS-REC enableTx=yes

    Setting willing=yes for ETS-REC is not logical as it is by definition a recommendation for a willing link partner.

  5. Configure willing PFC for interface. #lldptool -Ti $interface -V PFC enable=yes willing=yes enableTx=yes
  6. Terminate the first instance of lldpad that was started (e.g., from initrd). Once lldpad -k has been invoked and lldpad has been restarted, subsequent invocations of lldpad -k will not terminate lldpad. #lldpad -k
  7. Remove lldpad state records from shared memory. #lldpad -s
  8. Restart service lldpad. #systemctl restart lldpad.service
  9. Ensure CEE mode enableTx is set to no. #lldptool -ti $interface -V CEE-DCBX -c


  10. Ensure DCBX mode is set to auto. #lldptool -ti $interface -V IEEE-DCBX -c



For CEE mode

In CEE, successful negotiation requires the link partner also to be in CEE mode.

  1. Enable CEE transmission. #lldptool -T -i $interface -V CEE-DCBX enableTx=yes
  2. Reset the DCBX mode to be auto (start in IEEE DCBX mode) after the next lldpad restart. #lldptool -Ti $interface -V IEEE-DCBX mode=reset
  3. To clean configuration of interface, set willing to off, disable priority group features, and set advertise to off. #dcbtool sc $interface pg w:0 e:0 a:0
  4. To clean configuration of interface, set willing to off, disable PFC features, and set advertise to off. #dcbtool sc $interface pfc w:0 e:0 a:0
  5. Configure willing, enable, and advertise configuration for priority group for interface. #dcbtool sc $interface pg w:1 e:1 a:1
  6. Configure willing, enable, and advertise configuration for PFC for interface. #dcbtool sc $interface pfc w:1 e:1 a:1
  7. Terminate the first instance of lldpad that was started (for example, from initrd).

    Once lldpad -k has been invoked and lldpad has been restarted, subsequent invocations of lldpad -k will not terminate lldpad.

    #lldpad -k
  8. Remove lldpad state records from shared memory. #lldpad -s
  9. Restart service lldpad. #systemctl restart lldpad.service
  10. Ensure CEE mode enableTx is set to yes. #lldptool -ti $interface -V CEE-DCBX -c


  11. Ensure DCBX mode is set to cee. #lldptool -ti $interface -V IEEE-DCBX -c

