Intel® Ethernet 800 Series Linux Flow Control

Configuration Guide for RDMA Use Cases

ID Date Version Classification
635330 07/13/2023 1.3 Public
Document Table of Contents

Symmetric vs. Asymmetric LFC

LFC operates in both the Tx (send) and Rx (receive) directions.

  • Tx flow control means that the port generates and sends Ethernet pause frames as needed.
  • Rx flow control means that the port accepts and responds to Ethernet pause frames received from the connected peer.

When using LFC on the 800 Series, Intel recommends enabling both Tx and Rx flow control on both sides of the link. Also, configuring asymmetric settings (different Tx or Rx settings on each side) might have non-intuitive results.

For expected behavior, see the pause resolution table of IEEE 802.3bz shown in Figure: Pause Resolution Table.

From the IEEE Standard:

The PAUSE bit indicates that the device is capable of providing the symmetric PAUSE functions as defined in Annex 31B. The ASM_​DIR bit indicates that asymmetric PAUSE operation is supported. The value of the PAUSE bit when the ASM_​DIR bit is set indicates the direction PAUSE frames are supported for flow across the link.

Pause Resolution Table

Note:Some switches might not support Tx flow control. In this case, enable Rx-only flow control on the switch, and either Tx/Rx or Tx-only on the adapter.