Intel® Ethernet 800 Series Linux Flow Control

Configuration Guide for RDMA Use Cases

ID Date Version Classification
635330 07/13/2023 1.3 Public
Document Table of Contents


Problem Solution
“Agent instance for device not found 00007f” when running lldptool. “ifup” your netdev interface.
“Failed to connect to lldpad - clif_​open: Connection refused” when running lldptool.

Make sure lldpad is running.

ps -ef | grep lldpad)
“Invalid command 00007f” when running lldptool Check your command syntax and arguments. Possible missing argument or bad values.
“kernel: ice 0000:af:00.0: Set DCB Config failed” in the system log or dmesg.

Likely an invalid DCB configuration:

  • Verify in ETS that TCs are contiguous and start at TC0.
  • Verify in ETS that bandwidth allocations total 100%.
  • Verify that you are not trying to allocate bandwidth to TCs that do not exist in up2tc.

If necessary, reset the OpenLLDP configuration to the default by removing the configuration file.

# killall lldpad && rm /var/lib/lldpad/lldpad.conf

When you restart lldpad, it regenerated the default configuration file.

“[4353.872101] ice 0000:af:00.0: application TOS[0] and remote client TOS[24] mismatch” in the system log or dmesg. This happens because an RDMA application with, for example,16 QP with ToS 24 might still create a 17th QP for application setup using ToS 0. This is a quirk of the application and not controlled by the 800 Series ice or irdma drivers.
lldpad or llpdtool problems.

Enable verbose lldpad debug logging:

  1. Edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/lldpad.service. ExecStart=/usr/sbin/lldpad -t -V9
  2. Save and reload lldpad service. systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart lldpad
  3. Save log to a file. journalctl -u lldpad -f | tee lldpad.log