Intel® Ethernet Adapters and Devices User Guide
Installing Intel® Ethernet Cmdlets
We strongly recommend you install the latest base driver and NVM before installing Intel® Ethernet cmdlets, or functionality could be reduced.
To install Intel Ethernet cmdlets:
Download the zip file with the Ethernet cmdlets from the Intel Download Center.
Save the zip file to the system you’re trying to configure or debug.
Extract files from the zip file.
In the extracted files, double-click on the .exe file. The cmdlets will automatically install to the current user’s PowerShell* module directory (for example, to
C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\IntelEthernetCmdlets ).
After installation, you can run the cmdlets at the PowerShell prompt without manually importing the module.
Refer to the following for more information:
The readme.txt file included in the download
The cmdlet help in PowerShell
In this user guide: