Intel® Ethernet 800 Series

Linux Performance Tuning Guide

ID Date Version Classification
636781 10/23/2023 Public
Document Table of Contents

​Intel svr-info Tool

Intel provides an svr-info tool for Linux that captures relevant hardware and software details from a server:

svr-info output is extremely helpful in identifying system bottlenecks, or settings and tunings that are not optimized for the workload. When opening a support case with Intel for Ethernet-related performance issues, be sure to include an svr-info output (text file) for each Linux server in the test configuration.

To use svr-info for system analysis:

  1. ​Download and installsvr-info: wget -qO- | tar xvz cd svr-info ./svr-info > hostname.txt
  2. ​Collect output: ./svr-info > hostname.tx
  3. ​Attach one text file (.txt) for each Server-to-Intel support case for analysis.