13th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors Datasheet, Volume 2 of 2
ID | Date | Version | Classification |
767624 | 07/13/2023 | Public |
System Agent Power Management Control (SAPMCTL_0_0_0_MCHBAR_PCU) – Offset 5f00
System Agent Power Management Control.
Bit Range | Default | Access | Field Name and Description |
31:16 | 0h | RO | Reserved |
15 | 0b | RW | Force Memory Master DLL When Display Engine is Active (MDLL_ON_DE) Force memory master DLL on when the Display Engine is active. |
14 | 0b | RW | Force Memory Controller PLL When Display Engine is Active (MPLL_ON_DE) Force Memory PLLs (MCPLL and GDPLL) on when the Display Engine is active. |
13 | 1b | RW | System Agent Clock Gating Memory Controller PLL (SACG_MPLL) When this bit is set to 1b, FCLK will never be gated when the memory controller PLL is ON. |
12 | 0b | RW | Non-Snoop Wake Self Refresh Exit (NSWAKE_SREXIT) When this bit is set to 1b, a Non-Snoop wakeup signal from the PCH will cause the PCU to force the memory controller to exit from Self-Refresh. |
11 | 0b | RW | System Agent Clock Gating Self Refresh Exit (SACG_SREXIT) The Display Engine can indicate to the PCU that it wants the Memory Controller to exit self-refresh. |
10 | 0b | RW | Master DLL Shutdown Power State Enable (MDLL_OFF_SEN) This bit indicates when the Memory Master DLL may be shutdown based on link active power states. |
9 | 0b | RW | Memory Controller PLL Shutdown Power State Enable (MPLL_OFF_SEN) This bit indicates when the Memory PLLs (MCPLL and GDPLL) may be shutdown based on link active power states. |
8 | 1b | RW | System Agent Clock Gating Power State Enable (SACG_SEN) This bit indicates when the System Agent clock gating is possible based on link active power states. |
7:3 | 0h | RO | Reserved |
2 | 1b | RW | PCIe PLL Shutdown Enable (PPLL_OFF_ENA) This bit is used to enable shutting down the PCIe/DMI PLL. |
1 | 1b | RW | Memory Controller PLL Shutdown Enable (MPLL_OFF_ENA) This bit is used to enable shutting down the Memory Controller PLLs (MCPLL and GDPLL). |
0 | 0b | RW | System Agent Clock Gating Enable (SACG_ENA) This bit is used to enable or disable the System Agent Clock Gating (FCLK). |