13th Generation Intel® Core™ Processors Datasheet, Volume 2 of 2
ID | Date | Version | Classification |
767624 | 07/13/2023 | Public |
Uncorrectable Error Status (UES) – Offset 104
Uncorrectable Error Status
Bit Range | Default | Access | Field Name and Description |
31:27 | 0h | RO | Reserved |
26 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | Poisoned TLP Egress Blocked Status (PTLPEBS) Indicates that poisoned TLP Egress Blocked error has occurred. |
25 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | TLP Prefix Blocked Error Status (TLPPBES) When set indicates that TLP Prefix Blocked Error has been detected. |
24 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | AtomicOp Egress Blocked Status (AEBS) AtomicOp Egress Blocked Status |
23 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | MC Blocked TLP Status (MCBTLPS) Indicates that a TLP that fails MC_Blocked_TLP error check has been received. |
22 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | Uncorrectable Internal Error Status (UIES) Indicate Uncorrectable Internal Error Occurs |
21 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | ACS Violation Status (AVS) Indicates an ACS Violation is logged. |
20 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | Unsupported Request Error Status (URE) Indicates an unsupported request was received. |
19 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | ECRC Error Status (EE) ECRC error has occurred. |
18 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | Malformed TLP Status (MT) Indicates a malformed TLP was received. |
17 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | Receiver Overflow Status (RO) Indicates a receiver overflow occurred. |
16 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | Unexpected Completion Status (UC) Indicates an unexpected completion was received. |
15 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | Completer Abort Status (CA) Indicates a completer abort was received |
14 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | Completion Timeout Status (CT) Indicates a completion timed out. This is signaled if Completion Timeout is enabled and a completion fails to return within the amount of time specified by the Completion Timeout Value |
13 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | Flow Control Protocol Error Status (FCPE) Indicates a Flow Control Protocol Error has occurred. |
12 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | Poisoned TLP Status (PT) Indicates a poisoned TLP was received. |
11:6 | 0h | RO | Reserved |
5 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | Surprise Down Error Status (SDE) Surprise Down is not supported. |
4 | 0b | RW/1C/V/P | Data Link Protocol Error Status (DLPE) Indicates a data link protocol error occurred. |
3:1 | 0h | RO | Reserved |
0 | 0b | RO | Training Error Status (TE) Not supported. |