Intel® 800 Series Chipset Family Platform Controller Hub (PCH), Volume 2
ID | Date | Version | Classification |
834576 | 10/10/2024 | 001 | Public |
Vendor Specific Component Capabilities for Component 1 (BIOS_SFDP1_VSCC1) – Offset c8
Bit Range | Default | Access | Field Name and Description |
31 | 0h | RO/V | Component Property Parameter Table Valid (CPPTV) This bit is set to a 1 if the Flash Controller detects a valid SFDP Component Property Parameter Table in Component 1. |
30 | 0h | RO | Reserved (RSVD_30) Reserved. |
29 | 0h | RW/V/L | 64k Erase Valid (EO_64K_VALID) 0: The EO_64k opcode is not valid. |
28 | 0h | RW/V/L | 4k Erase Valid (EO_4K_VALID) 0 The EO_4k opcode is not valid. |
27 | 0h | RW/L | RPMC Supported (RPMC_SUPPORTED) 0: The device does not support RPMC. |
26 | 0h | RW/V/L | Deep Powerdown Supported (DEEP_PWRDN_SUPPORTED) 0: The device does not support Deep Powerdown. |
25 | 0h | RW/V/L | Suspend/Resume Supported (SUSPEND_RESUME_SUPPORTED) 1: The device does not support Suspend/Resume. |
24 | 0h | RW/V/L | Soft Reset Supported (SOFT_RST_SUPPORTED) 0: The device does not support Soft Reset. |
23:16 | 0h | RW/V/L | 64k Erase Opcode (EO_64K) This register is programmed with the Flash 64k sector erase instruction opcode for component 1. This register is locked by the Vendor Component Lock (VCL) bit or the CPPTV bit. |
15:8 | 20h | RW/V/L | 4k Erase Opcode (EO_4K) This register is programmed with the Flash 4k subsector erase instruction opcode for component 1. Software must program this register if the SFDP table for this component does not show 4 kByte erase capability. This register is locked by the Vendor Component Lock (VCL) bit or the CPPTV bit. |
7:5 | 0h | RW/V/L | Quad Enable Requirements (QER) See description in SFDP0_VSCC0.QER. |
4 | 0h | RW/V/L | Write Enable on Write Status (WEWS) See description in SFDP0_VSCC0.WEWS. |
3 | 0h | RW/V/L | Write Status Required (WSR) See description in SFDP0_VSCC0.WSR. |
2 | 0h | RW/V/L | Write Granularity (WG) See description in SFDP0_VSCC0.WG. |
1:0 | 0h | RW/L | Reserved (RSVD_1_0) Reserved. |