Intel® Core™ Ultra 200S and 200HX Series Processors SOC I/O Registers
ID | Date | Version | Classification |
834819 | 01/29/2025 | 001 | Public |
General Purpose Event 0 Enable [127:96] (GPE0_EN_127_96) – Offset 7c
This register is symmetrical to the General Purpose Event 0 Status [127:96] Register.
Note that GPE0_STS bits 95:0 are claimed by the GPIO register block.
Bit Range | Default | Access | Field Name and Description |
31:24 | 0h | RO | Reserved (RSVD) Reserved |
23:20 | 0h | RO | Reserved (RSVD_1) Reserved |
19 | 0h | RW | CPU Wake Enable (CPU_WAKE_EN) (CPU_WAKE_EN) Used to enable the setting of the wake bit to generate wake/SMI#/SCI. |
18 | 0h | RW | Wake Alarm Device Timer Enable (WADT_EN) Used to enable the setting of the WADT_STS bit to generate wake/SMI#/SCI. |
17 | 0h | RW | USB Connection in/after DeepSx Enable (USB_CON_DSX_EN) Used to enable the setting of the USB_CON_DSX_STS bit to generate wake/SMI#/SCI. |
16 | 0h | RW | GPIO[27] Enable (LANWAKE_EN) Used to enable the setting of the LANWAKE_STS bit to generate wake/SMI#/SCI. Host wake events from the PHY through LANWAKE cannot be disabled by clearing this bit. |
15 | 0h | RW/V | GPIO Tier2 SCI EN (GPIO_TIER2_SCI_EN) Used to enable the setting of GPIO_TIER2_SCI_STS to generate wake/SCI#. |
14 | 0h | RW/V | eSPI SCI Enable (ESPI_SCI_EN) Used to enable the setting of the ESPI_SCI_STS bit to generate a SCI. |
13 | 0h | RW/V | PME_B0 Enable (PME_B0_EN) Enables the setting of the PME_B0_STS bit to generate a wake event and/or an SCI or SMI#. |
12 | 0h | RW/V | ME SCI Enable (ME_SCI_EN) Used to enable the setting of the ME_SCI_STS bit to generate a SCI. |
11 | 0h | RW/V | Power Management Event Enable (PME_EN) Enables the setting of the PME_STS to generate a wake event and/or an SCI. |
10 | 0h | RW/V | Low Battery Enable (BATLOW_EN) This bit enables the BATLOW# signal to cause an SMI# or SCI (depending on the SCI_EN bit) when it goes low.This bit does not prevent the BATLOW# signal from inhibiting the wake event. |
9 | 0h | RW/V | PCI Express Enable (PCI_EXP_EN) Enables an SCI to be generated when PCI_EXP_STS bit is set. This is used to allow the PCI Express ports, to cause an SCI due to wake/PME events. |
8 | 0h | RW/V | ISH Enable (ISH_EN) When ISH_EN and ISH_STS are both set, a Wake event will occur. If ISH_EN is not set, then when ISH_STS is set, no Wake event will occur. |
7 | 0h | RO | Reserved (RSVD2) Reserved. |
6 | 0h | RW/V | TCOSCI Enable (TCOSCI_EN) When TCOSCI_EN and TCOSCI_STS are both set, an SCI will be generated.[BR]This bit is reset by RSMRST# assertion. |
5 | 0h | RO | Reserved (RSVD1) Reserved |
4 | 0h | RW | Thermal SCI Enable (THERM_EN) When THERM_EN and THERM_SCI_STS are both set, an SCI will be generated. |
3 | 0h | RO | Reserved (RSVD_3) Reserved |
2 | 0h | RW/V | Software GPE Enable (SWGPE_EN) This bit, when set to 1, enables the SW GPE function. If SWGPE_CTRL is written to a 1, hardware will set SWGPE_STS (acts as a level input) If SWGPE_STS, SWGPE_EN, and SCI_EN are all 1's, an SCI will be generated If SWGPE_STS = 1, SWGPE_EN = 1, SCI_EN = 0, and GBL_SMI_EN = 1 then an SMI# will be generated |
1 | 0h | RW/V | Hot Plug Enable (HOT_PLUG_EN) Enables an SCI to be generated when the HOT_PLUG_STS bit is set. This is used to allow the PCI Express ports to cause an SCI due to hot-plug events. |
0 | 0h | RW | FIA dFlex SCI Enable (FIA_DFLEX_EN) Used to enable the setting of the FIA_DFLEX_STS bit to generate an SCI. |