How-To Capture Trace Log on Simics® Simulator using Intel® System Debugger

User Guide

ID 682413
Date 01/10/2021
Version 1.0
Intel Confidential


This how-to document explains the way to capture trace log from BIOS, Intel® CSME and PMC using System Trace component of Intel® System Debugger and shares the best-known method that configs Intel® Trace Hub on Simics® simulator. The main reason to select the Simics® simulator is to minimize the dependency with any hardware platform. The System Trace component of Intel® System Debugger (ISD) provides the ability to capture, decode, and display traces from hardware, firmware, and software sources via Intel® Trace Hub. System Trace provides various features to analyze these traces, including the ability to filter and search the traces, display their event distribution, and view their state transitions over time. This guide also shows an EFI application which sends user-defined log message over Intel® Trace Hub and capture it from System Trace.

At the end of this guide, you will learn the following skills using Intel® System Debugger:

  • What is Intel® Trace Hub and System Trace.
  • How to enable Intel® Trace Hub and System Trace in Intel® reference BIOS.
  • How to activate Intel® Trace Hub features on Simics® Simulator.
  • How to utilize user-defined trace message from EFI application.