Edge Developer Toolbox Developer Guide

ID 783775
Date 06/07/2024
Version 24.05
Document Table of Contents

Bring Your Own Application Artifacts

Applications designed for the hybrid scenario may include containers, source code, Dockerfiles, or deployment resources such as Helm chart. To import one or more of these artifacts, click Develop AI Application -> Bring Your Own Application. Alternatively, you can import many of these resources through the VS Code IDE (See Quick Start with a Reference Implementation in VS Code).

Import resources through the VS Code IDE

Click the appropriate resource to import and configure them.

Container from Registry

Use this section to import existing Linux* containers from public or private container registries.

Import existing Linux containers

Popular registries supported are Docker Hub* service, Amazon Elastic Container Registry*, Azure Container Registry*, Google Artifact Registry*, and Red Hat* Quay.io Container Registry. Always import containers from sources you trust.

Importing from private registries requires entering the credentials to the repository.

Example: Import a container from Docker Hub. For this exercise, we will import a simple nginx container.

Repo URL:


Application Name:

Import a container from Docker Hub

Click Import.

Once imported, containers can be found under My Workspace > Application > Container and can now be used to launch and benchmark on Intel hardware or within other applications.

Imported containers can be found under My Workspace.

Supported Actions:

Supported Actions
  • Configure runtime parameters. See the Configure Containers section

  • Launch containers on Intel hardware and benchmark. See the Benchmark Hardware section.

  • Publish to Repo enables pushing the container image to a repository of choice.

Configure Containers

Each container in an application can be configured for additional runtime parameters.

Click Actions -> Application Configuration

Application Configuration

Following are the configurable parameters:

  • Port: To expose ports for multi-container communication.

  • Enable Routes (Toggle): To access your service through a URL.

  • Labels: To create labels for keeping track of custom configurations of an imported container across projects.

  • Entry Point: To override the default entry point.

  • Output Mount Point: To retrieve the result data from the container to be previewed later in your filesystem.

  • Volume Binder > Filesystem Path: To enter path(s) (maximum: 5 paths) on the Intel® Developer Cloud for the edge filesystem.

  • Volume Binder > Input Mount Point: To enter path(s) (maximum: 5) inside the container.

  • Dependency: In multi-container scenarios, to select the other dependent containers that must run before this container begins to run.

  • Configuration Parameters: To pass runtime container environment variables for dynamic container configurations, for example, -e VAR1=VALUE1 -e VAR2=VALUE2. For alternate entry point parameters, also referred to as command args, use Docker* Compose files or Helm* charts instead.

  • Check for valid configurations such as mount points to avoid unexpected launch failures.

  • Ensure path names do not contain spaces.

Git Repository

Import source code from public and private repositories by providing the repository URL, application name and credentials (for private repositories).

Import source code from public and private repos

Java, Python, PHP, NodeJS, and Go are supported. Additionally, you can import Dockerfiles.

Once imported, the source code is available under My Workspace > Application > Source Code.

Imported source code can be found under My Workspace.

Supported Actions:

Supported Actions
  • Configure runtime parameters. See the Configure Containers section

  • View Build Logs and troubleshoot applications

    View Build Logs and troubleshoot applications
  • Launch containers on Intel hardware and benchmark. See the Benchmark Hardware section.

  • Publish completed applications to a repository of choice.

Helm Chart

You can import Helm* charts from existing repositories such as Bitnami* application and Artifact Hub application, or from a source code repository.

Import Helm charts

Alternatively, you can also import Helm charts from the Edge Developer Toolbox file system.

Enter the Repo URL, Repo Name, and a Chart Name from the repository to begin the import process.

Repository Notes

For code repositories, the portal will look for an index.yaml file that references one or more archived charts ending with .tgz.

You can create packaged charts from a chart directory with the Helm* package PATH_​TO_​CHART_​DIR and generate the index file with the Helm repository index ahead of time.

For repositories such as the Bitnami* application, use paths that are generally used with the Helm repository add command. Example: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami.

For source code repositories, enter the raw GitHub* path format. To retrieve the raw GitHub file path, open the index.yaml file in your browser and select to open Raw file contents. Ensure the filename only includes the repository name and branch. Example: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/intel/DevCloudContent-helm/main

The Edge Developer Toolbox modifies the imported Helm chart if necessary to enable successful execution on the platform.

Successfully imported Helm packages can be found under My Workspace > Application > Helm Chart.

Bring Your Own Application Artifacts

Supported Actions:

Bring Your Own Application Artifacts
  • Launch containers on Intel hardware and benchmark. See the Benchmark Hardware section.

  • Publish completed applications to a repository of choice.

  • Publish to Edge Orchestrator (coming soon)

  • Configure Helm import, reimport and repackage for deployment.

Docker Compose

You can easily run multi-container applications on various Intel platforms by importing Docker* Compose YAML files hosted on external GitHub* repositories.

Importing Docker Compose YAML files

Provide the Git repo URL, private repo credentials (if needed) and a unique Resource Name to import the Docker Compose file. The Edge Developer Toolbox modifies the resource if necessary to enable successful execution on the platform.

Successfully imported Docker Compose files are available under My Workspace -> Application -> Docker Compose.

Bring Your Own Application Artifacts


Common Docker Compose configurations such as depends_​on, ports and build are also supported.

Make sure you place a single Docker Compose file in the root of the repository because the container-playground portal will look for the first available docker-compose.yml in your Git* repository.

Supported Actions:

Bring Your Own Application Artifacts

Command Line Import

The Edge Developer Toolbox provides a Command Line Interface that allows source code pull, compilation and build options.

Bring Your Own Application Artifacts

Launch a Terminal by clicking on + and Terminal

Launch a Terminal

A new terminal with Java* 11, Python* 3.8.2 kernel, Maven*, Git* and Buildah* tools preinstalled for developers’ convenience is now ready for use.

A new terminal with tools preinstalled

Images built using the CLI can be found in the user’s My Workspace -> Application.

AI Models

Custom trained AI models are an integral part of developing AI solutions. While users can import default AI models from the Open Model Zoo, or custom models for further optimization using the OpenVINO™ toolkit (See theModel Optimization section), the Edge Developer Toolbox also allows developers to import custom AI models from Azure* or Amazon* S3 buckets.

Click My Workspace -> Filesystem to access the Azure or Amazon S3 connectors.

Access the Azure or Amazon connectors.

Provide the required credentials to your account to proceed with downloading AI models and other solution artifacts to the local file system.