Edge Developer Toolbox Developer Guide

ID 783775
Date 06/07/2024
Version 24.05
Document Table of Contents

Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What is Intel’s Edge Developer Toolbox?

    Edge Developer Toolbox is a cloud-based development workspace that provides instant access to intuitive tools, workflows, and optimized hardware for end-to-end Edge and AI development.

    Edge Developer Toolbox is a part of the Intel® Tiber™ Edge Platform - Intel’s new commercial software platform enabling enterprises to build, deploy, run, and manage scalable edge and AI solutions on standard hardware with cloud-like simplicity.

  2. What is the Intel® Tiber™ Edge Platform?

    The Intel® Tiber™ Edge Platform is a modular platform with foundational components that help drive Network and Edge Transformation.

    Intel® Tiber™ Edge Platform Table of features
  3. What can a developer do on Edge Developer Toolbox?

    Edge Developer Toolbox gives development teams all the tools, integrated workflows, and specialized hardware they need to rapidly build edge and AI solutions. Developers can use the toolbox to:

    • Create AI Models

    • Optimize AI Models

    • Develop Applications

    • Benchmark Hardware

    • Deploy and Manage Workloads

  4. How much does using Edge Developer Toolbox cost?

    Anyone can sign up for Edge Developer Toolbox and get instant access to the starter features at no cost.

    The toolbox also offers premium functionality that is accessible to select users only. If you are interested in learning more about the premium features, talk to your Intel Account Manager or contact us at edgedevtoolboxsupport@intel.com

Registration and Sign-In

  1. How do I get access to Intel’s Edge Developer Toolbox?

    You can access Edge Developer Toolbox by creating an account on our website.

  2. How long is my access period?

    By default, you have access to Edge Developer Toolbox for one year. To increase this beyond a year, please get in touch with us at edgedevtoolboxsupport@intel.com

  3. I already have an intel.com account. Do I need another one to access Edge Developer Toolbox?

    No, using the same ID and password, you can use single sign-on (SSO) authentication to log in to Edge Developer Toolbox and other intel.com pages.

  4. I signed up for Intel’s Edge Developer Toolbox but didn’t receive the welcome email. What should I do?

    Make sure you’ve checked the spam folder. If you do not find the welcome email, please get in touch with us at the support email address at edgedevtoolboxsupport@intel.com.

  5. How can I get access to the premium features?

    For the premium features, please contact your Intel account manager or email us at edgedevtoolboxsupport@intel.com

Data, Privacy, and Security

  1. How much storage is available to each user?

    There is no limit on the storage.

  2. Can I import external data into Edge Developer Toolbox?

    Yes, Edge Developer Toolbox allows you to import your own data from your local file system, AWS S3 Bucket, or Azure Blob Storage.

  3. Is my data retained on Edge Developer Toolbox?

    No, user-uploaded data is not retained on Edge Developer Toolbox.

  4. Who has access to my data?

    Edge Developer Toolbox protects user-uploaded data such as code, executables, and datasets with standard Linux permission controls so other users cannot access it. This data may be reviewed under specific, permissible circumstances by vetted Intel staff only for security implementation and troubleshooting.

  5. Does Developer Toolbox support single-tenant or multi-tenant systems?

    Developer Toolbox supports multi-tenant systems.

  6. If a customer runs their workload on an edge device, how do you ensure that the next person who uses that device doesn’t have access to the previous user’s workload?

    A clean-up job is performed before starting any new customer workload on the edge device. This thoroughly cleans the edge node so that the next customer on the same device cannot access the previous user’s workload.

Features and Benefits

  1. How is Edge Developer Toolbox related to the OpenVINO™ toolkit and Intel® Tiber™ Edge Platform?

    Edge Developer Toolbox is a part of the larger Intel® Tiber™ Edge Platform - Intel’s new commercial software platform enabling enterprises to build, deploy, run, and manage scalable edge and AI solutions on standard hardware with cloud-like simplicity.

    The OpenVINO™ toolkit and its tools are deeply embedded into different workflows offered by Developer Toolbox, including sample notebooks for the OpenVINO™ toolkit, model creation, optimization, application development, and more.

  2. Can I import my custom models and applications on Edge Developer Toolbox?

    Yes, Edge Developer Toolbox gives you workflows to easily bring your custom models, storage, source code, Dockerfiles, Containers, Helm Charts, and Docker Compose files.

  3. Which public and private registries are supported?

    Docker Hub* service, Amazon Elastic Container Registry*, Azure Container Registry*, Google Artifact Registry*, Red Hat* Quay.io Container Registry. Helm* chart - Bitnami* application catalog, Artifact Hub.

  4. Can I get dedicated Hardware access for my development and benchmarking?

    Yes, each customer gets dedicated hardware. No other customer’s workload can run on the same hardware that is being used by a customer.

  5. Which programming languages are supported on Edge Developer Toolbox?

    For learning workflow - Only Python* is supported. For Development and Benchmarking - there is no restriction on programming languages.

  6. Is root access allowed?

    No, root access is not allowed.

  7. How can I learn more about Edge Developer Toolbox?

    You can learn more about the platform on our website: Edge Developer Toolbox. Or use our developer documentation to get started: Developer Guide.