Edge Developer Toolbox Developer Guide

ID 783775
Date 06/07/2024
Version 24.05
Document Table of Contents

Launch an Application from the Edge Developer Toolbox Portal

The following figure shows the Edge Developer Toolbox portal:

Developer Toolbox Portal

Launch From a Sample Application

  1. At the Edge Developer Toolbox portal, click on the Develop AI Application section to view the sample applications.

  2. Choose the sample you want to launch and click on the Benchmark on Intel Hardware icon to launch the application:

    Benchmark on Intel® Hardware

Launch the AI Development Flow

  1. At the Edge Developer Toolbox portal, go to the Develop AI Application section and scroll down to the Tools Section.

  2. Click on Visual Studio Code* flow to load the VS Code environment:

    Visual Studio Code
  3. The VS Code environment loads:

    VS Code Environment

FPS Simulation with OpenVINO™ Telemetry Benchmark Application

You can measure the number of frames processed per second (FPS or frames per second) using the OpenVINO™ Telemetry Benchmark Application.

  1. Clone the repository to import the benchmark application, Dockerfile and resources needed to instrument telemetry:

    git clone https://github.com/intel-iot-devkit/developer-toolbox-telemetry-sample
  2. Set the environment variable:

    Under developer-toolbox-telemetry-sample folder, click Dockerfile:


    The ENV ARGUMENT_​VALUE is set to “benchmark” by default, which injects the instrumented OpenVINO™ telemetry benchmark sample written in Python* scripts.

    You can also set ENV ARGUMENT_​VALUE to “sine” to simulate a sine wave:

    Simulate a Sine Wave
  3. Build Docker* image. Referring to the following figure, follow these instructions:

    1. Set the Selected File (Dockerfile) path to:

    2. Set the Selected Folder (Dockerfile Context Folder) to:

    3. Provide an Application Name and a Tag, then click Build Dockerfile to trigger the Dockerfile build:

      Build Dockerfile

    Go to Developer Toolbox -> My Workspace and look at the Status. The Status should be “Building”, which means that the image is being built.

Enable Average FPS through Instrumentation

  1. After the status in My Workspace changes to “Ready”, right click on the ellipsis button (three-dot button) and click on Application Configuration:

    Application Configuration
  2. In the Configuration window that pops up, set Enable FPS Instrumentation to Yes:

    Enable FPS Instrumentation
  3. Click Save Configuration.