Edge Developer Toolbox Developer Guide

ID 783775
Date 06/07/2024
Version 24.05
Document Table of Contents

Learn Computer Vision and Generative AI App Development

Edge Developer Toolbox offers a hands-on learning experience for developing computer vision and generative AI applications using the OpenVINO™ toolkit. Within this hosted JupyterHub* environment (Jupyter* notebooks), you can explore and experiment with various models through validated OpenVINO™ toolkit notebooks. Download, fine-tune, and quantize the latest AI models, convert them to an Intermediate Representation (IR) format compatible with the OpenVINO™ toolkit and integrate them into applications.

  1. From the Edge Developer Toolbox homepage, click on Develop AI Application. Scroll down to the Learn section and click on one of the tiles.

  2. A new tab will open with the JupyterHub environment, and the selected notebook is loaded. Execute the cells step-by-step and monitor resource usage by clicking on the resource cycle.