Edge Developer Toolbox Developer Guide

ID 783775
Date 06/07/2024
Version 24.05
Document Table of Contents

Use Optimized Model in Edge Developer Toolbox

After you have completed the importing and benchmarking steps, one or more models will be available in your Edge Developer Toolbox workspace.

To access these models, switch to the Developer Toolbox tab, click My Workspace, and click File System. In the right-hand pane, click on the “dlworkbench” folder:

Screenshot showing the dlworkbench folder in the File System

Access dlworkbench Folder

Within the “dlworkbench” folder, you will see one or more folders. Choose the folder that matches the date you imported the models and continue navigating within the folder. The model files are contained in folders with the model names. In this example, our resnet-18-pytorch AI model is in the /resnet-18-pytorch folder:

Screenshot showing the folders containing model files

Access Model Files

You can also access the models through the file system navigator, which is available in any of the workflows.