Edge Developer Toolbox Developer Guide

ID 783775
Date 06/07/2024
Version 24.05
Document Table of Contents

View Integrated Telemetry Dashboard for Processors with Graphics Accelerators

If the selected processor node has integrated graphics or discrete graphics accelerators, the telemetry interface will display specific GPU graphs.

The following figure shows the Integrated Telemetry dashboard for a processor node with integrated graphics:

Integrated Telemetry Dashboard for a Processor Node with Integrated Graphics

In addition to CPU usage and memory usage, the dashboard will show the following Integrated GPU specific panels:

  • GPU Render Engine Usage

  • GPU Video Engine Usage

  • GPU Video Enhance Engine Usage

The following figure shows the Integrated streaming Telemetry interface for a processor node with discrete graphics accelerator:

Integrated Telemetry Dashboard for a Processor Node with Discrete Graphics Accelerator

In addition to CPU usage and memory usage, the dashboard will show the following panels specific to discrete GPU:

  • GPU Temperature

  • GPU Power

  • GPU Memory

  • GPU Compute Engine Utilization

  • GPU Engine Group Utilization


You may see an empty graph because some graphs may have zero values.

Known Issue: There is a known issue or feature of the Grafana* dashboard where it might take a longer time for the graphs in the lower part of the dashboard to be populated with data. The panel might show the message “No Data”. This is expected behavior.