Intel® System Debugger NDA Release Notes

ID 648479
Date 07/25/2022

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Change History

This page contains update summary of three previous releases. To check full Release Notes for previous product versions:

Intel® System Debugger 2022 NDA Update 2226

Check the summary below or see the online version.

New Features

Target Connection Assistant
  • Added an aligned Reset control which can be used from all tools within Intel® System Debugger without an active debug session.

  • Implemented a new connect and disconnect button which toggles the state and uses move intuitive icons.

  • Added filter for connected probes to manual connection configuration selection dialog.

  • Increased Eclipse* Python* Shell command line buffer to minimum 5000 lines.

Intel® System Debugger - System Debug
  • New System Debug CLI entry point “intel_​sysdbg” is available. New System Debug CLI command “sysdbg.launch_​and_​connect()” is available to launch a System Debug instance and connect the CLI to it automatically from the Intel® System Debugger CLI.

Intel® System Debugger - System Trace
  • Integrated the memory management library that would let the users limit the amount of memory decoding process uses.

Intel® Debug Extensions for WinDbg
  • Added debug support for pre-NT environment.

Intelligent Debug & Validation Tool (IDV Tool)
  • Added undo and redo capabilities to rule edit view.

  • Added support for multiple rule notes.

Fixed Issues

Intel® System Debugger - System Debug
  • Fixed issue with bitfield values of registers not showing correctly when the System Debug is connected to a Simics® simulator platform.

  • Fixed issue with Memory View not being able to successfully write a value into physical memory.

Intel® System Debugger - System Trace
  • Fixed reload button in Trace Capture view which reloads the target settings for System Trace UI.

  • Fixed an issue where Message view was not showing filtered results when applied from Rules view.

  • Fixed sporadic null pointer exception dialog during start trace.

Intelligent Debug & Validation Tool (IDV Tool)
  • Fixed an issue where sending a manual start and stop triggers could break serial communication with FPGA.

  • Fixed copy, paste, drag and drop issues of rules within groups. Only apply a change for the selected rules, not for the parental groups.

Intel® System Debugger 2022 NDA Update 2222

Check the summary below or see the online version.

New Features

Target Connection Assistant
  • Updated Intel® System Debugger to use latest Eclipse* IDE 2022-03 base.

  • Improve documentation, use user guide in Intel® System Debugger Eclipse*

Intel® System Debugger - System Debug
  • New Symbol Browser View.

  • Add debug and breakpoint controls to Debug & Trace perspective

Intel® System Debugger - System Trace
  • Capture OpenIPC logs with TraceCLI early boot script

Intelligent Debug & Validation Tool (IDV Tool)
  • Added signal pin remapping dialog window.

Debug GdbServer* proxy
  • Added support for Zephyr 2.7 based Intel® Internet of Things Group (IOTG) Intel® Programmable Services Engine (Intel® PSE) SDK.

Fixed Issues

Target Connection Assistant
  • Fixed out of sync ipccli in ISD shell after ipc.forcereconfig() command

  • Fixed stack trace caused by file not found on startup of Eclipse

  • Fixed shutdown process of ISD CLI in eclipse, should not set error code anymore

  • Fixed OpenIPC selection on re-usage of existing workspace, prevent accidental storing of default IPC provider path

Intel® System Debugger - System Trace
  • Fixed trace support on Elkhart Lake

  • Reduced package loss issues related to high bandwidth tracing

  • Fixed capture view button behavior in case of missing project

Intel® Debug Extensions for WinDbg
  • Removed deprecated command forensic.get_​kernel_​base().

Intelligent Debug & Validation Tool (IDV Tool)
  • Use unique SGPIO names (CLK, LOAD_​N, DOUT, DIN) for pins 37 to 40.

  • Fixed SGPIO signals in “Setup Signals” tab can not be enabled/disabled as a group.

  • Fixed sporadic hang of IDV Tool when no trigger conditions are defined and capturing is stopped manually.

Intel® System Debugger 2022 NDA Update 2214

Check the summary below or see the online version.

New Features

Target Connection Assistant
  • Added remote debug support for hardware platforms. The connection flow in GUI and CLI is updated to allow you debug a hardware platform connected to a remote host. Refer to the Get Started chapter in documentation for step-by-step instructions.

Intelligent Debug & Validation Tool (IDV Tool)
  • Introduced advanced rule creation functionality. Now all rules are aggregated in a single Rule tab (instead of multiple tabs). Refer to Intel® System Debugger documentation for updated instructions on creating rules.

Fixed Issues

Intel® System Debugger - System Debug
  • Fixed issues that caused crashes if Intel® System Debugger was disconnected right after connecting to a Simics® simulator.

Intel® Debug Extensions for WinDbg
  • Fixed loading full kernel dump for Elkhart Lake platforms.

  • Fixed the forensic.get_​​kernel_​​base() command performance.

Intelligent Debug & Validation Tool (IDV Tool)
  • Fixed duplicated rule IDs

  • Enabled creating alias names for rules.