Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Appendix: Set up Intel® Programmable Services Engine in Intel® System Debugger Workspace

It is possible to import Intel® Programmable Services Engine into workspace and build from Eclipse.

Import pse-dev-code-base Project into Intel® System Debugger Workspace

You can import Intel® Programmable Services Engine (Intel® PSE) into an existing workspace and build it from Intel® System Debugger. You can also build the Zephyr* application in Intel® PSE by pointing to it in project.json.

  1. In the Project Explorer, select Import projects.

    A wizard will pop up.

  2. In the opened wizard, unfold the C/C++ node and select Existing Code as Makefile Project.


  3. Specify the Project Name as pse and select the location of pse-dev-code-base from your system (browse or type it).


    Click Finish.

Now the project should appear in the workspace.



All files and folders from pse-dev-code-base location are imported in the workspace as linked resources. This means that they are still located on the primary location, not copied, so any change that you make to the project inside Eclipse*, will also be applied to pse-dev-code-base from the local one.

Set up Debug Builder

To build the project using from pse-dev-code-base, you must configure the build for the project.

  1. In the Project Explorer, right-click on the pse project and select Open properties.

  2. Go to the C/C++ Build property tab and modify the data in the Builder Settings tab:

    • Unselect Use default build command.

    • For the Build command field, type absolute path to file.

    • For the Build directory field, click Workspace and select ehl_​pse-fw.


  3. Click Apply and switch to the Behavior tab.
    • Select Use custom build argument and erase data from Build arguments field.

    • Unselect Build on resource save.

    • Select Build (incremental build) and type the absolute path to the application that you want to build in the field.

    • Select Clean and add clean in the field.


  4. Click Apply to save the changes. Unfold C/C++ Build property and select Environment tab.

  5. Click Add to set the following environment variables necessary to build the project:

    • ZEPHYR_​SDK_​INSTALL_​DIR = /opt/zephyr-sdk



  6. Click Apply to save the changes

  7. Click Apply and Close.

The project will now be built as if you are executing it from the command line as follows:

./ <application_path>

It will build the Zephyr* application selected. To build a Zephyr application from Intel® System Debugger workspace, you must point pse-dev-code-base to that workspace.

Now you can create a new Zephyr application.