Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Architectural Registers

Architectural target registers (CPU registers) are displayed in the Registers view.

To monitor the value of an architectural register:

  1. Halt the target by pressing the suspend Suspend button.

  2. Open the Registers view and navigate to the desired register by expanding the register tree.

  3. Right click the table row with register information and select Watch In Expressions.


    The Expression view opens displaying the selected register value.

To modify an architectural register:

  1. Halt the target by pressing the suspend Suspend button.

  2. In the Registers view, navigate to the register you want to modify by expanding the register tree.

  3. Under the Hex or Decimal column click the value you want to change and enter the new one.

  4. The register tree is refreshed and the changed register is highlighted yellow.

Alternatively, you can use the Value column in the Expression view to modify the register value.

Viewing Registers for Different Hardware threads

To display registers associated with different hardware threads simultaneously, configure the Intel(R) System Debugger GUI the following way:

  1. Halt the target by pressing the suspend Suspend button.

  2. Open the Registers view.

  3. By clicking the open_new_view Open New View button, create as many Registers views as needed.

  4. For each Registers view:

    1. In the Debug view, select a hardware thread.

    2. In the Registers view, click pin_view Pin to Debug Context to pin the view to the chosen hardware thread.