Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Build the EFI Sample Application

  1. Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for your Visual Studio

  2. Set the environment variables

    set EDK2_ROOT=<edk2-workspace-dir>\edk2
    set EDK2_TOOLS=%EDK2_ROOT%\BaseTools\Bin\Win32
  3. Create the build folder


    The build folder should be created in user writable space, outside of the ISD installation directory

  4. Change to the build folder

  5. Run the CMake generator

    cmake <isd-install-dir>\samples
  6. Build the application

    cmake --build .
  7. Find debug symbols and EFI file in <build-dir>\Debug

    • SystemConfigurationChecker.efi - EFI Application sample

    • SystemConfigurationChecker.pdb - debug symbols file