Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Capture Trace

Consider the following prerequisites before starting trace capture:

  • Connection to the Target was successful.

    In case of issues, refer to the Target Connection Assistant section.

  • A Trace Configuration file for the active target connection settings has been created. For instructions, see the setup section.

  • Target system has been configured for tracing.

For target-specific details, see Appendix A: Hardware Setup and Appendix B: Tracing with Simics(R) Simulation.


The state Connected means that the System Trace is connected to the selected target system. Connected does not mean that the Intel(R) Trace Hub is already configured. The configuration of the Intel(R) Trace Hub is done when the capturing starts.

The Target Connection dialog also shows the current Target Status and Core Status:
