Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Change System Debug Configuration

Create a new debug configuration.

  1. In the main Eclipse* toolbar, expand the drop-down menu next to the debug_config Debug button and click Debug Configurations.


    The latest System Debug configuration is opened.

  2. (Optional) Configure parameters in Debugger tab:


    The path to the debug engine is specified in the Debugger Path field.

    • To rename the debug configuration, type in a new name into the Name field and click Apply.

    • You can also filter the hardware threads to be displayed.

      For instructions, see Filter Hardware Threads.

    • You can allow the debugger to generate a call stack trace (unwind the stack) when no debug symbols are loaded.

    To enable it, check the Call stack unwinding without debug symbols box.

    If you leave the box unchecked (default), only top-most stack frame will be shown if no debug symbols are loaded.

    For advanced configuration options, see Configure Call Stack.

    • To load symbol files for each hardware thread separately (by default, symbols for all threads are loaded at once),

    check the Per-thread memory map and debug symbols box.

    With this box checked, each debug context will get its own memory map.

    • To re-enable hardware breakpoints over reset or S3 enter/exit flows,

    please select this check box. By default hardware breakpoints get disabled over reset.


    • To start a debug session where you decode Processor Traces recorded by the Perf Collector Tool,

    you must provide the path to the Perf data folder in the Perf-Based Processor Trace Decoder section.

  3. Optionally, you can enable logs collection. To do this, go to the Debugger Diagnostics tab and check the Enable Debugger Logs box. The location of the log file appears under the Create, manage, and run configurations.


  4. If you made any changes, click Apply so they will take effect.

  5. Click Debug.

Now you can follow basic debugging steps described in the corresponding section.