Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Debugging Basics

This section describes basic concepts and operations that you can apply in different debugging tasks.

After you connect to the target, launch the debugger and halt the target, you see the following in the Debug view by default:


  1. Debug configuration that you created after connection to the target.

  2. Hardware threads. You can filter the threads by name as described here.

  3. Stack frames.

    By default, maximum three stack frame instances are displayed. To change the limit, open Window > Preferences menu, go to Run/Debug > Target Communication pane, and change the specified number:


    Click Apply and Close to save the changes and close the dialog box.

  4. Physical memory node. If you select it, you will be able to work with physical memory in the Memory Browser view.

    For more information, see Working with Memory.

  5. CPU operating mode of a particular thread. For more information, see CPU Operation Modes.

To enable debugger functionality, select the debug context you want to work with in the Debug view. If no debug context is selected, most of the buttons in the Eclipse* toolbar are greyed out.