Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
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Decode Part of a File

When a trace is captured, it can be afterwards additionally decoded by doing right-click on a file and then pressing “Decode” or “Decode As”. This will decode the file entirely. For use cases when only a part of the decode is necessary user can use partial decode option. For example, decode only the last 20% of the file. This is useful for files of huge sizes.

Decoding only a part of the file is controlled by the FileReader parameters. There is a possibility to set the starting and the ending percentage of the file decode. For example, to skip the first 10% of the file and to decode till the last 80% of the file, you should add following decoding parameters

FileReader_Decoder\| \| startPositionPercentage \| 10 FileReader_Decoder\| \| endPositionPercentage \| 80

In case of 300MBytes file, first 30MByte would be skipped and the reading would stop at MByte 240. The first 10% which is 30Mbyte and the last 20% which is 60 MByte are ignored.

Both parameters are optional and it is possible to specify only one parameter. If for example endPositionPercentage is 30 and startPositionPercentage is not set, then only the last 30% of the file will be decoded.

Similarly, if only startPositionPercentage is set, for example to 5, then the first 5% of the file are ignored.