Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

File Types in System Trace

System Trace stores necessary information in different file types displayed in the Project Explorer view:


See the table below to learn what each file type is used for.

File Type

File Extension


Trace Capture file


Raw capture data collected during trace capture session. Must be decoded and turned into a Trace Session file so that human-readable messages are displayed.

Trace Extension file


Additional information that helps the tool to decode certain trace messages (for example, CSME or BIOS trace sources). If you need such messages, import a proper Trace Extension file before decoding the capture data (otherwise, such trace messages are displayed as “undefined” in the Message view). Once imported, this file is integrated into the Trace Session file and is not displayed as a separate entity in the GUI. For a real-life example, see a cookbook recipe about capturing and decoding CSME traces, which involves importing a Trace Extension file.

Trace Session file


Decoded capture data in a human-readable format (see the Message view contents). Created after the Trace Capture file is decoded.

Trace Configuration file


Configuration file that contains information on trace sources and trace destinations and is used during trace capture. Once the capture and decode steps are completed, the selected trace sources appear in the Message view (if any corresponding messages are found).

Timeline Definition file


Visualization of trace data from the trace session. Shows selected trace data from the Message view and presents it on the time axis. You can create multiple of such files to show particular information.