Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Get Started

To start working with the tool, complete steps described in the child pages of this chapter.

UI Theme by Intel

By default, a special theme designed by Intel is applied to your WinDbg* installation. You can modify your theme selection (uninstall or reinstall it) after the product installation as follows:

  1. Launch your installer again.

  2. Select the latest version of Intel(R) System Debugger NDA, click Modify, and select Add/Remove components.


  3. Expand the Intel(R) Debug Extensions for WinDbg* component, (un)check the Intel(R) UI theme for WinDbg* box, and let the installer modify the product.


Without this component installed, WinDbg* will use the default theme by Microsoft*.