Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Instruction Trace View

Displays the history of instructions executed since tracing is enabled.

itrace_view Instruction Trace View

The Instruction Trace View shows the chronological order of instruction calls captured by the Last Branch Record (LBR).

In addition, the view also offers support for the “offline” decoding of Intel(R) Processor Trace captures in advance using the Perf Collector Tool.

The view contains five columns:

  • Address: the assembler instruction address.

    Instructions are grouped by the line number. Expandable Address items display multiple instructions called from a single code line.

  • Instruction: the instruction syntax.


    If the thread selected in the Debug view contains no symbols loaded, the following columns are empty.

  • Module: the name of the running module.

  • File Name: the name of the source code file.

  • Line Number: the number of the source file line that calls the instruction.

    To view the line in the source file, double-click the line number. The source file opens in a new view and the selected line is highlighted.

  • File Path: path to the source file.

  • Timestamp: the TimeStampCounter value of the instruction.

  • Process ID: the ID of the process containing the instruction.

  • Process Name: the name of the process containing the instruction.


    Timestamp, Process ID and Process Name columns are applicable only for decoding recorded Processor Traces.

View Toolbar Options

resume Start Instruction Trace

Starts or resumes the terminated instruction trace.

terminate Stop Instruction Trace

Stops the running instruction trace.

show_target_breakpoints Configure Instruction Trace

Opens a dialog box that allows you to configure the trace type. Currently, only Last Branch Record (LBR) is supported.

refresh_view Refresh View

Refreshes the view and updates the instruction history.

pin_view Pin to Hardware Thread

Pins the view to an active hardware thread displayed in the Debug view. If pinned, the view shows the instruction trace history only for the chosen thread (the name is displayed above the table) and is not refreshed if another thread is selected.


Toolbar is disabled when decoding recorded Processor Trace instructions.