Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Loading the Intel(R) Debug Extensions for WinDbg* for Intel(R) Processor Trace (Intel(R) PT)

When installed correctly, WinDbg* detects the extension automatically. If WinDbg* does not detect and load the extension automatically or if the extension was installed manually, perform one of the following actions:

  • Place sysdbg64.dll in a directory where WinDbg* searches for extensions by default.

These are usually all directories in the PATH environment variable and some others. To display all searched directories, use the .extpath command in WinDbg*.

  • Add the path to sysdbg64.dll to the _​NT_​DEBUGGER_​EXTENSION_​PATH environment variable. Create that variable, if it does not exist.

  • Use the .extpath+ <directory> command in WinDbg* to add the directory containing sysdbg64.dll to the search path.


This setting only applies to the current debug session and is not saved when WinDbg* is closed.

Usually, WinDbg* loads detected extensions automatically. If this fails, you can load the extension manually. Use the .load sysdbg64 command in WinDbg*.

For more information on loading debug extensions in WinDbg*, see the WinDbg* help system.