Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Mark Trace Messages

You can mark trace entries for later use. This is useful for recognizing them in a later stage of your project, for example if you wish to examine them in a team collaboration effort.

  1. Assuming the SVEN Error trace message is selected, right-click the message. The trace entry’s context menu is displayed.


  2. Select Marker > Add from the context menu. A marker bubble is added in the very first column of the trace view:


    This works well for small numbers of markers in a trace. If there are more markers, a dedicated view displays all markers set in the trace.

  3. To open this Marker view, click the Open Marker View icon in the toolbar.


    The Marker view is displayed on the top-left tabs.


    The Marker view displays a list of all markers in a trace message view.

  4. Add another marker on index 19 by selecting the respective trace entry with a left-click.

  5. Open the context-menu by right-click and select Marker > Add. The Marker view now contains two entries, such as.


You can now use the trace marker entries in the Marker view to scroll quickly the trace to display interesting entries.

You can change the marker color and the displayed information the following way:

  1. Select Window > Preferences to open the Preferences dialog box.

  2. Navigate to System Trace > Viewer > Marker to view and modify the marker attributes.

  3. Click Apply to save your changes or Apply and Close to save changes and close the Preferences dialog.


  • If your trace contains timestamp information (the SVEN example does not), you can also examine, for example, the frequency/time interval in which a certain event occurs. To do so, select Time Difference from a marker’s context menu and select a second entry by holding the <CTRL> key.

  • Besides the basic trace analysis, there is also a more advanced way of searching, marking and filtering trace entries based on user-defined rules. The subsequent trace analysis sections in this document describe trace analysis based on rules.