Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Master/Channel Filtering

Traces from the specific masters and channels can be filtered by setting a decoder parameter in File Decode Preferences dialog and/or in the Streaming Decode Preferences dialog. Filtering channels might be important if a trace source has noisy traffic, where not all information is relevant for the user.

The filtering can be enabled by adding a decoder parameter to the MIPI decoder. The decoder parameter is named masterChannelFilter and has the following syntax:


The following expressions for <master> and <channels-to-filter> are valid:

  • Single number

  • Range using the “-“ operator: <number-1>-<number-n>

It is also allowed to combine multiple expressions by separating them with a comma, for example:


Example on master 3, which uses channels 1 to 10, filter out channels 5 to 8. To do this is to add a new MIPI_​Decoder masterChannelFilter parameter using following steps:

  1. Open File Decode Preferences or Streaming Decode Preferences depending on the streaming mode:

    • Offline decode: Right-click on the capture file and then click on Decode Preferences


    • Live decode: Right-click on view menu “triangle” and then click on Streaming Decode Preferences


  2. Press the Add button to add a new decoder parameter


    Add a following line: MIPI_​Decoder | filter | 3:5-8 as shown in the picture below


The value of the filter parameter for the MIPI decoder is 3:5-8, meaning that for master 3 channels 5, 6, 7, and 8 are filtered out and there will be no traces from these channels visible. More complex example would be 2-4:5-8, which filters on master 2 channels 5 to 8, on master 3 channels 5 to 8 and on master 4 channels 5 to 8.


Filtering on channel 0 is not supported.