Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Memory Browser View


memory_view Memory Browser

The Memory Browser view allows you to monitor and modify process memory. For detailed instructions on interacting with memory, see Working with Memory.


Before establishing a target connection, ensure that the Memory Browser view does not contain any memory renderings. Otherwise, it might cause the target halt when the connection is created

In the default (integer) rendering, the Memory Browser view contains three panes by default: the memory address column, the hexadecimal rendering pane, and the text-like rendering pane.

To configure the panes, right-click any place within the rendering tab. You can use the following basic options:

  • Panes: select panes to be displayed in the tab.

  • Endian: choose the endian for the displayed numerical values.

  • Text: choose the format of the text rendering.

  • Cell size: choose the number of bytes to be displayed in each cell.

  • Radix: choose the memory rendering format.

  • Columns: select the number of columns displayed or use the automatic size fit.

Pinning to Debug Context

You can pin the view output to the desired debug context. This can help you, for example, to track physical memory while doing run control on a thread. Follow the steps below:

  1. Select the desired thread in the Debug view.

  2. Go to the Memory Browser view and click the pin_viewPin to Debug Context button.

  3. The name of the selected debug context is displayed on top of the Memory Browser view:


    Once the view is pinned to a particular debug context, clicking on a different thread in the Debug view will not refresh the contents of the Memory Browser view. See an example below:


    To unpin the view, click the pin_viewPin to Debug Context button again to disable it.

Change Memory

You can directly edit memory in the Memory Browser using the Traditional Rendering (default) by:

  1. Select the memory (cell) which you want to edit

  2. Use the keyboard to change the memory value

  3. Hit the “Enter” key to apply the value.

    Please note that changing the focus to another cell or view will not apply the value.

  4. Using the default color theme, the temporary changes are marked in yellow and the applied changes are marked in red.

If you use other rendering than the default Traditional Rendering, the behavior might be different.

View Toolbar Options

import_memory Import

Opens the Import Memory dialog box allowing you to import memory from a file. For instructions on importing memory, see Working with Memory

export_memory Export

Opens the Export Memory dialog box allowing you to export memory to a file. For instructions on exporting memory, see Working with Memory

open_new_view Open New View

Opens new Memory Browser view.

pin_view Pin to Debug Context

Pins the memory to an active debug context selected in the Debug view.

view_menu View Menu

Opens a list of the following options:

  • Default Rendering: allows you to choose between the traditional (integer) and floating- point rendering. If the latter rendering is set, the view contains the memory address column and the floating-point rendering pane.

  • Find/Replace: open the Find/Replace Memory dialog box allowing you to modify the memory.

  • Find Next: allows you to browse the memory rendering fast.

  • Clear Expressions: cleans the history of the search field.