Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Offline Debug Token creation using Flash Programming Tool (FPT)


FPT is an Extendable Firmware Interface (EFI) application which runs directly on the target

These instructions cover:
  1. Prepare USB Pendrive to use FPT

  2. Obtain Part ID using FPT

  3. Create Debug Token for Offline connection

  4. Inject Token using FPT

Prepare USB Pendrive to use FPT

On Host Computer:
  1. Format USB Pendrive with FAT32

  2. Fpt.efi to USB Pendrive

    • Browse your Intel® CSME firmware kit to obtain Fpt.efi

    • Location: OWR/CSME/External_​..../Tools/System_​Tools/FPT

Obtain Part ID using FPT

A Part ID uniquely identifies a platform. This allows to associate the created debug token to an individual platform. It is highly recommended to limit the usage of debug tokens to individual platforms.

On Target Computer:
  1. Plug in the USB drive with Fpt.efi binary

  2. Power on, enter BIOS setup (F2), and in the boot menu enable boot to EFI shell, save settings

  3. Boot to EFI shell

  4. Go to the USB device, for example type fs0:

  5. Run Fpt.efi to get the device PID: Fpt.efi -GETPID PID.bin this will create PID.bin file with the part ID.

Create Debug Token for Offline connection

  1. Start Intel® System Debugger using a new workspace.

  2. Create a target selection / connection manually selecting target

  • Search the platform for which a debug token should be created.

  • If the stepping is known, select the correct stepping. Try default stepping otherwise (should not have impact on token creation).

  • Click Next.

  1. Select any connection type

    • All connection types support token creation

    • Debug token injection using is only supported for DCI probes (e.g. DbC)

    • Click Next.

  1. Finalize configuration

  • For only token creation Crash Log / System Debug / System Trace support can be disabled (optionally)

  • Click Finish

  1. Click the gear icon to open connection editor

  1. Scroll to Target Information and click Create Token

  1. Create Token

  • Use Load from File to import an existing Part ID binary (e.g. created using FPT)

  • Follow generic Create Token instructions.


Inject Token using FPT

On Host Computer:
  1. Copy created debug token binary (.bin) to the USB Pendrive (which already contains FPT)

  2. Unplug the USB drive (use Safely remove hardware in Windows* to prevent possible data loss)

On Target Computer:
  1. Plug in the USB drive with Fpt.efi binary and debug token binary (.bin)

  2. Power on, enter BIOS boot menu (F10) and boot to EFI shell

  3. Go to the USB device, for example type “fs0:”

  4. Run: Fpt.efi -writetoken tmt_​tmp_​token_​full.bin to write the token

  5. Run: Fpt.efi -greset to reset target