Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents


The trace visualization framework consists of two main components:

  • 59_TimilineDefinitionTimeline Definition for configuring the structure and content of the timeline. The configuration is stored in a file with the extension “.timelinedefinition”.

  • 60_TimelineViewerTimeline Viewer for displaying the timeline using the trace data from the active session with the configuration stored in the Timeline Definition file.

Currently, four types of visualization are supported:

  • 61_MessageMessage: A simple one-to-one representation of the matching messages on the timeline.

  • 104_PlotPlot: A series of data points for a selected field plotted over time.

  • 62_PhasePhase: A visual representation of a range between two messages on the timeline, where the first message is a message that is defined as the trigger, and the second message is another message that is defined as the end of the phase.

  • 87_VCDVCD (Value Change Dump): A visual representation of a compact waveform format. Only scalar (single bit) and vector (multi bit) signals are supported.