Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Prerequisite: File Path Mapping

Before loading symbols, you should check if the paths to symbol files match the actual paths on your system. If they do not match, create a path mapping rule:

  1. In the main Eclipse* toolbar, expand the drop-down menu next to the debug_config Debug button and click Debug Configurations.

    Alternatively, in the main Eclipse* menu bar, click Run and select Debug Configurations.

  2. Click your debug configuration under the debugger_icon Intel(R) System Debugger icon on the left.

    If you do not have existing debug configurations, follow the steps described in the Launching the Debugger section.

  3. Open the path_map_tab Path Map tab and click Add.

  4. In the opened dialog box specify the path fragment used in the map file (Source) and the one used on your system (Destination).

    Click OK.

  5. By default, path mapping rules ignore the symbol case (only on Windows*) and slash directions used in the file path. If you want to change this behavior, check the Case and slash sensitive rules at the bottom.


  6. When you finish adding path rules, click Apply on the bottom of the tab.