Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Reserving Memory on the Target for Trace Data

This section describes one method to reserve memory. For more information on reserving memory, see also the Output Configuration section.

For further information on Windows*, memory, and limitations, see also:

For further information on the BCD, see also:


Improper changes to the BCD system store can prevent Windows* from starting. Review the commands and their results carefully before restarting Windows.

To remove (reserve) memory on the target for Intel(R) Processor Trace (Intel(R) PT) data:

  1. Run the CLI as administrator.

  2. Check the physical memory.

    systeminfo | find "Total Physical Memory"
    -> Total Physical Memory:     7,816 MB
  3. Remove 1GB (from the currently booted OS).

    bcdedit /set removememory 1024
  4. Reboot the target.

    shutdown /r /t 0
  5. After reboot, check the physical memory to make sure it worked.

To undo the changes on the target (after finishing the debug/trace session):

systeminfo | find "Total Physical Memory"

-> Total Physical Memory: 6,824 MB
  1. Run the CLI as administrator.

  2. Delete the value from the configuration.

    bcdedit /deletevalue removememory
    -> The operation completed successfully.