Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

TraceCLI Settings

Settings can be used to change the behaviour of TraceCLI. Settings can be used on the command line (intel_​systrace) and from the Python* API (scripting). For both interaction models (command line, scripting) the settings can either be saved persistent in the workspace or only used temporarily for a specific operation. If the settings are persistently stored in the workspace they will be used for future commands (overwrite default settings).

Settings always consists of two parts: <setting key> and <setting value>

<setting key>

Name of the setting


kebab-case <setting key> for command line arguments (e.g. –output-columns)

snake_​case <setting key> for trace.settings.<setting key> (e.g. trace.settings.output_​columns)

<setting value>

Value of the setting. The value can come from different sources:

  1. Default value

  2. Loaded from workspace

  3. User defined

Priority is from top (low) to bottom (high). Sources with higher priority will overwrite the ones with lower priority.

Command Line

See intel_​systrace --help and intel_​systrace settings --help.


intel_​systrace settings <setting key> <setting value>

$ intel_systrace settings output-columns catalog.xml
$ intel_systrace settings csme-catalog Summary


intel_​systrace --<setting key> <setting value> <cmd>

$ intel_systrace --output-columns="Summary" --csme-catalog catalog.xml decode ipc_trace.bin


See intel.systrace.api.TraceAPI.settings and intel.systrace._​api.options.settings.TraceCLISetting.


trace.settings[<setting key>] = [<setting value>]

>>> from intel.tracecli import TraceAPI
>>> trace = TraceAPI()
>>> trace.settings.output_columns = "Summary"
>>> trace.settings.csme_catalog = "catalog.xml"
>>> trace.decode("ipc_trace.bin")


trace.<cmd>(<args>, <setting key>=<setting value>)

>>> from intel.tracecli import TraceAPI
>>> trace = TraceAPI()
>>> trace.decode("ipc_trace.bin", output_columns="Summary", csme_catalog="catalog.xml")