Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Tracing a Windows* Kernel Function

To trace the frequently called nt!KiSwapThread Windows* kernel function, perform the following steps:

  1. Set an IP filter (to avoid tracing debugger communication):

    !setipfilter nt!KiSwapThread (nt!KiSwapThread+0x6e1)
  2. Set a breakpoint at that function:

    bp nt!KiSwapThread
  3. Enable tracing, run twice (the first hit stops at that function, the second hit stops after tracing), and disable tracing:

    !enable; g; g; !disable
  4. Decode:


WinDbg* dumps the recorded trace data:

6: kd> !decode

fffff803`bcc4adae 440fb6f0          movzx   r14d,al

fffff803`bcc4adb2 488bbbc8000000    mov     rdi,qword ptr [rbx+0C8h]

fffff803`bcc4adb9 0fba73740a        btr     dword ptr [rbx+74h],0Ah

fffff803`bcc4adbe 4c89a424b0000000  mov     qword ptr [rsp+0B0h],r12

fffff803`bcc4adc6 723b              jb      nt!KiSwapThread+0x1a3 (fffff803`bcc4ae03)

fffff803`bcc4adc8 4584f6            test    r14b,r14b

fffff803`bcc4adcb 0f858d010000      jne     nt!KiSwapThread+0x2fe (fffff803`bcc4af5e)

fffff803`bcc4add1 400fb6cd          movzx   ecx,bpl

fffff803`bcc4add5 440f22c1          mov     cr8,rcx

fffff803`bcc4add9 4c8b742460        mov     r14,qword ptr [rsp+60h]