Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Variables View


variables_view Variables

The Variables view displays an expandable tree structure of local variables associated with the stack frame selected in the Debug view. Alternatively, you can display the value of a particular local variable by hovering over its instance in code. You can see details on a selected variable on the bottom of the Variables view.


If the debugger cannot display the value of a particular variable and sets it to N\A, refer to the corresponding case described in the Troubleshooting section.

During a debug session, you can change values of variables to check how they are handled or to go through a loop faster. To do it, right-click a variable, select Change Value, and type in a new value.

To disable a variable and prevent the debugger from reading it, right-click a variable and select Disable. It might be useful if a target is very sensitive.

View Toolbar Options

You can interact with the Variables view using the following buttons:

show_logical_structure Show Logical Structure

Displays the logical structure of variables.

collapse_all Collapse All

Collapses all currently expanded variable instances in the view.

open_new_view Open New View

Opens a new Variables view.

pin_view Pin to Debug Context

Pins the variable to the associated debug context.

view_menu View Menu

Provides the following configuration options:

  • Layout: sets an alternative layout for the view.