Intel® System Debugger User Guide

ID 648476
Date 06/13/2024
Document Table of Contents

Virtual UART Usage

  1. Launch ISD tool with an Intel® DCI debug connection

  2. There are two ways to enable the virtual console:

    1. Enable the virtual console in the target connection configuration by selecting the “Enable Virtual Console” checkbox as shown below:

    1. Alternatively, the virtual console can be started from the command line with the following commands:

      cons = tca.TcpConsole(8,4, "localhost", "8282")

    Parameters of “tca.TcpConsole”: - 1st and 2nd parameter: read & write mailbox of the OpenIPC - 3rd : IP address of debug host or use “localhost” - 4th: TCP port number

  3. Run the terminal emulator (e.g. Putty)

  • Give the localhost in “Host Name” and 8282 as the port number

  • Select a Telnet as the “Connection Type”

  1. Open the “Options controlling the terminal emulation” under the “Terminal” category and select the Force Off for the “Line discipline” of both local echo & line editing

  1. To use special characters on the terminal emulator:

  • Open the “Keyboard” option under the “Terminal” group

  • Select Control-H for the “Backspace key”

  • Select SCO for the “Function keys and keypad”

  1. Open the “Window” to adjust the column of the emulator

  • Change the “Columns” field to 80 and “Rows” to 20 (It is default for BIOS setup in a screen and please adjust those values according to your BIOS screen resolution)

  1. Select “Open” at the bottom of the configuration and use virtual UART with Putty terminal

  • The following screenshot is a typical view of “EFI Shell” over virtual UART


User can use another terminal emulator that would open the specific TCP port. Please check if the BIOS has a DCI-IO driver which conveys UART message over Intel® DCI.