Intel® Software Publishing Console

User Guide

ID Date Version Classification
763364 12/01/2022 1.0 Public


Access the Intel® Software Publishing Console at:

The tool is supported on multiple browsers, including Google* Chrome*, Mozilla* Firefox*, and Microsoft* Edge* browsers.

You will need the following items to submit a request:

  • Product Details
  • This includes the name, description, version, website, and GitHub* link of existing documentation.

  • Trademark License Agreement and Trademark Exhibit Form
  • The trademark agreement is a click to accept license that must be completed by the trademark owner. There is an option to download this agreement for reference.

    The trademark owner must fill out the trademark exhibit form and upload it. The trademark exhibit can be downloaded from the tool.

  • Documentation

    Your product must have documentation stored in a GitHub* repository. The documentation must include certain details such as an application overview, how it works, get started, and other items.

    The tool links to a documentation template so you can create your product documentation with the required details. You must upload your product documentation to GitHub* and provide the link in your onboarding request.