Intel® Software Publishing Console

User Guide

ID Date Version Classification
763364 12/01/2022 1.0 Public

View My Requests

Access the Intel® Software Publishing Console at:

If you have an Intel® login already, use it to access the tool. If not, you can register on the Intel® website:

After a successful login, you can navigate to the home screen.

You have two options: View My Requests and Submit New Request.

Figure 9. Home Page


Click View My Requests to see all requests that you have submitted.

If you have no active requests, the screen will look similar to the following.

Figure 10. No Active Requests


If you have submitted requests, the screen will look similar to the following.

Figure 11. My Requests


  1. Package Name: This is the product name you entered when completing the form.
  2. Package Description: This is the product description you entered.
  3. Status: Request status will be in one of the following states:
    • Saved as Draft
    • Submitted
    • Under Review
    • Reviewed
    • Rejected
    • Approved
    • Published

4. Created On: This is the date when you created the request.

5. Actions:

    • Track Request: When the request is submitted, you can track your request status here.
    • Complete Request: If the request is saved as a draft, then you can complete the request using this option.

Enter text in the search bar to find a specific request by package name.

Figure 12. Search By Package Name
