Performance Index

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615781 02/07/2025 Public
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Intel® Server GPU

Performance varies by use, configuration and other factors.

Performance results are based on testing as of dates shown in configurations and may not reflect all publicly available updates. See configuration disclosure for details. No product or component can be absolutely secure.

Performance may vary based on the specific game title and server configuration.

Intel optimizations, for Intel compilers or other products, may not optimize to the same degree for non-Intel products.

Claim GPU System Configuration Measurement Measurement Period
Can support up to 20 Android game instances per GPU, up to 160 game instances with two H3C XG310 cards Intel® Server GPU Intel® Server GPU: Intel Reference Platform with 2S Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8280M processors (2.7GHz, 28C), 16x32GB DDR4-2933, BIOS: SE5C620.86B.02.01.2010.021120200945, Microcode: 0x500002c, CentOS 7.4, Kernel: 4.14.105_​a8e59b2+-1, NIC: 10GbEx722, GPU: 2 H3C XG310 preproduction PVT cards, 8 Intel® Server GPUs (preproduction), GPU base freq: 900MHz, GPU driver: SG1_​20032_​c7.4_​k4.19.112, Mesa driver: 20032. Performance measurements are based on testing as of Oct 28, 2020. Game instance density and GPU render utilization using Riptide, version: 1.7, game scenario: Free Run, Android resolution: 720x1280, Video Format H264, Video FPS: minimum 30. October 28, 2020
Up to 5.5x more streams improved bit rate efficiency up to 22% Intel® Server GPU

Baseline: NVIDIA T4 medium and fast, Latency Tolerant HEVC Encoding, @ 1080p 30 streams, source as of Nov, 11, 2020:

New: Intel® Server GPU: Intel Reference Platform S2600WFQ with 2S Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8280M processors (2.7GHz, 28C), 12x32GB DDR4-2933, BIOS: SE5C620.86B.02.01.2010.021120200945, Microcode: 0x500002c, CentOS 7.4, Kernel: 4.19.112, GPU: 2 H3C XG310 preproduction DVT cards, 8 Intel® Server GPUs (preproduction), GPU freq: 1.1GHz, GPU driver: SG1_​20032_​c7.4_​k4.19.112, Mesa driver: 20032.

HEVC H265 1080p 1:1 transcode, transcode application: Multi Transcoding Sample, video clip: mv CSGO.y4m csgo.y4m, video clip: mv crowd_​run_​1080p50.y4m crowd_​1080p.y4m, source content: ffmpeg -i csgo.y4m -y -c:v libx265 -preset medium -profile:v main -b:v 6M -maxrate 12M -bufsize 24M -g 256 -bf 7 -refs 5 -vsync 0 -r 30 csgo_​1080p30.265, source content: ffmpeg -i crowd_​1080p.y4m -y -c:v libx265 -preset medium -profile:v main -b:v 6M -maxrate 12M -bufsize 24M -g 256 -bf 7 -refs 5 -vsync 0 -r 30 crowd_​1080p30.265 command: ./sample_​transcode_​application -hw -i::h265 good_​vids/crowd_​1080p60.265 -o::h265 /dev/null -u 7 -hrd 2200 -InitialDelayInKB 1100 -vbr -extbrc::on -ExtBrcAdaptiveLTR:on -num_​ref 5 -dist 8 -gop_​size 256 -w 1920 -h 1080 -b 4400 -async 2 -lowpower:on -device /dev/dri/renderD128.

Performance measurements are based on testing as of Oct 26, 2020.
HEVC H265 1080p 1:1 transcode, transcode application: Multi Transcoding Sample October 26, 2020