13th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Datasheet, Volume 2 of 2
ID | Date | Version | Classification |
764981 | 07/13/2023 | Public |
Audio Time Synchronization (AUDSYNC) – Offset 58
This 32 bit register is used for audio stream synchronization across different devices. Global signal sample_now captures a value in AUDSYNC register.
Bit Range | Default | Access | Field Name and Description |
31:30 | 0x0 | RO | Rsvd2 (RSVD2) Rsvd2 |
29:16 | 0x0 | RO/V | Captured Frame List Current Index/Frame Number (CMFI) The value in this register is updated in response to sample_now signal. Bits (29:16) reflect state of bits (13:0) of FRINDEX |
15:13 | 0x0 | RO | Rsvd1 (RSVD1) Rsvd1 |
12:0 | 0x0 | RO/V | Captured Micro-frame BLIF (CMFB) The value is updated in response to sample_now signal and provides information about offset within micro-frame. Captured value represents number of 8 high-speed bit time units from start of micro-frame. At the beginning of micro-frame captured value will be 0 and increase to maximum value at the end. Default maximum value is 7499 but it may be changed as result of adjustment done in FLA. |