13th Generation Intel® Core™ Processor Datasheet, Volume 2 of 2
ID | Date | Version | Classification |
764981 | 07/13/2023 | Public |
USB2 Port Link Control 1 (USB2_LINK_MGR_CTRL_REG1) – Offset 80F0
These set of registers is used to control jey USB set of timers. They are spread over 4 registers each 32 bits wide.
Bit Range | Default | Access | Field Name and Description |
31:24 | 0x31 | RW | FS/LS Mode SE0 Disconnect Delay (FSLS_SE0_DIS_DEL_7_0) Number of microseconds of SE0 in FS/LS mode to register disconnect had occurred. |
23 | 0x0 | RW | Enable SNPS PHY Fix (EN_SNPS_PHY_FIX) Enable SNPS PHY Fix: |
22 | 0x1 | RW | Enable L1 Disconnect in L0 (EN_L1_DISC_IN_L0) Enable Pseudo L0 state when transition from L1 to L2 due to disconnect: |
21 | 0x0 | RW | Disable Purge On Setup (DIS_PURGE_ON_SETUP_FIX) To disable the fix for SETUP purge that match for both device address and endpoint number: |
20 | 0x0 | RW | L1 Exit Recovery Mode (L1_EXIT_RECOVERY_MODE) Mode for extended L1 Exit recovery delay: |
19 | 0x1 | RW | L1 Timeout Increment Mode (L1_TO_INCR_MODE) Mode select for L1 Timeout increments: |
18 | 0x0 | RW | Reserved (RSVD1) Reserved |
17 | 0x0 | RW | Enable Detect Minimal Packet EOP (EN_DETECT_NOMINAL_PKT_EOP) 0: Detect minimal packet EOP. |
16 | 0x0 | RW | Disable Chirp Response (DIS_CHIRP_RESPONSE) 0: Normal |
15 | 0x0 | RW | Disable 192 Byte Limit Check (DIS_192B_LIM) 0: Enforce 192 byte limit on complete-split INs. Treat any packet ) 192 as babble case. |
14 | 0x0 | RW | External Provided FS/LS Disconnect (EXT_FSLS_DIS) 0: Internal FS/LS Disconnect from linestate(1:0) |
13:12 | 0x0 | RW | UTMI Reset Source Select (UTMI_RST_SEL) Select UTMI Reset Source (FRD UTMI Reset Only) |
11 | 0x0 | RW | Disable HS Disconnect Window (DIS_HS_DIS_WIN) 0: Enable HS Disconnect Window Function |
10 | 0x0 | RW | Disable Port Error Detection (DIS_PERR_DET) 0: Enable Port Error Detection (default) |
9 | 0x1 | RW | Disable Peek Function for ISO-OUT (DIS_PF_IOUT) 0: Enable Peek function for ISO-OUT (default) |
8 | 0x1 | RW | Drive Resume-K FS/LS Serial Interface (DRV_RESK_FSLS_SER) 0: Drive Resume-K on parallel Interface |
7 | 0x1 | RW | Enable USB2 Drop-Ping (EN_U2_DROP_PING) 0: Disable Drop-Ping Function in USB2 Protocol (default) |
6 | 0x0 | RW | Enable USB2 Force-Ping (EN_U2_FORCE_PING) 0: Disable Force-Ping Function in USB2 Protocol (default) |
5 | 0x1 | RW | Enable USB2 Auto-Ping (EN_U2_AUTO_PING) 0: Disable Auto-Ping Function |
4 | 0x0 | RW | Disable PHY SuspendM (DIS_PHY_SUSM) 0: PHY is suspend=U3,U2,disconnect (default) |
3 | 0x0 | RW | UTMI Internal Clock Gate Disable (UTMI_INT_CG_DIS) 0: Normal operation (internal clock gated in U2,U3,disconnect) |
2 | 0x0 | RW | Disable PHY SuspendM in Disconnect State (DIS_PSUSM_DS) 0: PHY is suspendM=0 in Disconnect State (default) |
1 | 0x0 | RW | Force PHY Reset (FORCE_PHY_RST) 0: Normal Operation (default) |
0 | 0x0 | RW | USB2 Accelerated Simulation Timing (U2_ACC_SIM_TIM) 0: Normal Operation (default - FPGA/ASIC) |